by EVJCC | Sep 20, 2021 | blog, Uncategorized
Every morning, at the crack of dawn, I’m out for my daily walk. I’ve got to get my exercise in before it gets too hot. Somewhere during this constitutional, my purpose changes. My pace slows down, my tummy relaxes and I begin to take deep breaths. I become...
by EVJCC | May 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
The two-day holiday of Shavuot, which begins on the evening of Thursday, May 28 this year, is a harvest festival that also celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot, or the “Feast of Weeks,” is celebrated seven weeks after Passover and...
by EVJCC | Sep 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
This year’s Lone Soldier Project Hanukkah greeting campaign kicked off earlier this month to provide an opportunity for the Phoenix Jewish community to personally thank lone soldiers serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Dr. Michael Cohen, volunteer coordinator...
by EVJCC | Jan 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
The East Valley JCC recently announced a staff change in Camp Rimon Gadol. Our previous Camp Rimon Gadol director Andre Ivory recently resigned from his position as the EVJCC’s camp and program director due to personal and family issues. He will continue to lead...
by EVJCC | Nov 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
Every month, the East Valley JCC focuses on an organization to benefit from the generosity of our families for the mitzvah project. We gather gently used items for children in foster care, make cards for soldiers overseas, and collect food for people who are hungry....
by EVJCC | Oct 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
Dear Friends, The East Valley Jewish Community Center (EVJCC) is united with the entire Jewish community – and all people dedicated to peace – in condemning Saturday’s act of violence. We stand together with all people who oppose hatred and bigotry. We are...