Meet sisters Jule Vranian and Hope Klocker, founders of the award-winning Sweet Jules Caramels, to learn about their business; tour their kitchen; discuss fresh ingredient sourcing, flavor development and testing; and ask questions. In partnership with the Osher Marin JCC and other JCCs. Boxes of caramels to taste start at $15.95.
The virtual tour and discussion will be held on Zoom.
Ordering Caramels: Buy whichever of the “Gold Linen Box Assorted Caramels” boxes you prefer. On the “Your Cart” page, by typing “for JCC Tasting” into the box under “On Add a Gift Note or special instructions for seller,” you will receive a free, special-edition caramel (not normally included in the collection) offered only to our participants.
Order caramels by Thursday, Aug. 23 to ensure a timely arrival.