The EVJCC Israeli Film Series presents "Lost Mothers," an intimate and intense story of four biological mothers who gave up their babies for adoption and now confront their past in a unique support group, while embarking on a life changing journey to reunite with their estranged children.
"Our River Stories: The Gila and the Salt," a presentation by Zarco Guerrero about the vibrant and tragic history of water and the River People. The presentation is made possible by Arizona Humanities.
Tuesdays at the J Tuesdays at the J is a group for individuals and couples ages 55-plus who meet weekly to enjoy presentations on a variety of topics. All sessions are free and no membership is required. 10-10:30 a.m.: Coffee & Conversation with program coordinator Adrian Bendick10:30-11:30 a.m.: Presentation The program will be held at […]