Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy, calculations and a degree of chance! Mahjong Monday is held every Monday, except Jewish and legal holidays, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the EVJCC facility. You are invited to come and play, no RSVP is necessary, just come! This program is intended for players with prior […]
10-10:30 a.m. coffee and conversation 10:30-11:30 a.m. presentations A $4 donation is requested at the door. No membership required. To sign up for mailing list, contact Adrian, Terrific Tuesdays coordinator. A musical performance by Odessa Jazz and Klezmer, featuring local musicians Stu Siefer and Ted Zislis Stu Siefer’s musical career began in Detroit in the […]
Join Devorah Hadassah at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22, for a general meeting, the installation of officers and a presentation by Karolyn Benger, who will speak on the similarities and differences between Jews and Muslims. Followed by Out to Lunch. For more information, contact Ruth.
Learn about life and tragedy of King David in this Open Beit Midrash class taught by Rabbi Michael Beyo. Free. Registration required here.
Explore the heroes of the Talmud with Rabbi Michael Beyo. Thursdays, Jan. 9-Feb. 13 | 10 a.m. Cost: $72 for series or $20 per class. Registration required. Click here to register.
The Israeli Matinee Movie Series brings a documentary and discussion to Open Beit Midrash. The debut film is "Sustainable Nation," which follows three innovators who are taking valuable lessons learned from Israel's water shortage to the rest of the world. The program includes the screening of the film, a discussion and a kosher lunch. Cost […]