Meet sisters Jule Vranian and Hope Klocker, founders of the award-winning Sweet Jules Caramels, to learn about their business; tour their kitchen; discuss fresh ingredient sourcing, flavor development and testing; and ask questions.
Still Traveling: Captivating CambodiaWe are delighted to partner with our friends at the Osher Marin JCC and other JCC Partners to bring you "Still Traveling: Captivating Cambodia." Would you like to still travel? Now you can without leaving your home – just stay still!In this new series, let us and our program partner – the […]
"The Life & Tragedy of King David" will examine the life and tragedies of King David and transition into the life of the Kingdom after David's death. The virtual Open Beit Midrash class meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 25-Sept. 22 on Zoom. Cost is $50 for the series. Click here to register.
Join the Osher Marin JCC, the EVJCC and other program partners for a live, guided group tour of Venice led live by a local tour guide.
Learn about the life and philosophy of Judaism's Greatest Rabbi: Rabbi Moshe Maimonides (Rambam). The class will explore topics such as the 13 principles of faith, Mashiach, miracles, the resurrection of the dead, the world to come, reward & punishments, and many more fundamental theological concepts. Open to all levels. The virtual Open Beit Midrash […]
Let us sneak you in the stage door to go "backstage" on Broadway for discussions with theater professionals and video highlights.
Join the ECLC on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7 pm for a virtual story time with our amazing teachers! Sept. 3 is a Teddy Bear Story Time!