"The Life & Tragedy of King David" will examine the life and tragedies of King David and transition into the life of the Kingdom after David's death. The virtual Open Beit Midrash class meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 25-Sept. 22 on Zoom. Cost is $50 for the series. Click here to register.
Learn how to research your family's Jewish history in this virtual genealogy class.
The East Valley JCC is thrilled to be part of the National JCC Literary Consortium to present the Book Festival of the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta. Below are a list of author presentations and the links to register. Please note that the links to the Zoom calls that you receive after registration will […]
Learn about the life and philosophy of Judaism's Greatest Rabbi: Rabbi Moshe Maimonides (Rambam). The class will explore topics such as the 13 principles of faith, Mashiach, miracles, the resurrection […]
Let us sneak you in the stage door to go "backstage" on Broadway for discussions with theater professionals and video highlights.