The Early Learning Center (ELC) at the East Valley JCC will open a kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year.
An information session about the kindergarten will be held 5-6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29. Below is an interview with Pam Morris, ELC director, about this exciting announcement.

Why did the Early Learning Center decide to open a kindergarten for the next school year?
Our current parents showed an interest in having their children continue at the EVJCC for kindergarten.
What is the age requirement to attend?
It is for children who turn 5 by Sept. 1, 2023.
Please share some highlights of what the kindergarten will offer.
Highlights include a small class size; individualized attention; a safe, community environment for families; a values-based education; STEAM curriculum; and enrichment classes during the school day, such as cooking, art and P.E.
Will there be a cost?
As this point, tuition will be covered through grants, Arizona tax credit contributions and ESA funding.
When does registration open?
January 2023
What are the school hours?
School will be held 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday. Early-care and after-care will be available for a fee. The school calendar will primarily follow the Chandler School District calendar, with a few exceptions. Camps will be available when the school is closed, for an additional cost.
Who are the teachers?
Teachers are certified with a master’s degree, have over 5 years of experience and come with great references.
How will the children be prepared for first grade?
The kindergarten will follow the Arizona Board of Education curriculum and will include reading groups, math, science and social-emotional components.