The East Valley JCC’s fall season kicked off today with the first Open Beit Midrash session.
Rabbi Michael Beyo, the EVJCC’s CEO, taught his 9 a.m. session about the Book of Joshua and his 10 a.m. class about the Talmud then finished it off with a discussion about whether tikkun olam is a Jewish concept, as part of the speakers series. The speaker series features a different speaker and topic each week. For a full schedule of Open Beit Midrash speakers and topics, click here.
After each speaker series session, participants join together for a delicious kosher lunch, prepared by Chef Melinda.

But that’s not all that’s happening here this week! Teachers at the Early Childhood Learning went through teacher training at the beginning of the week then welcomed their students on Wednesday. Camp Rimon Gadol had its last week of camp for its elementary school students before they head back to school. And staff is working on more programs for the upcoming year, which will be covered in future blog posts.
There is much to look forward to!